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Books by Cynthia Gralla

Cynthia Gralla is the author of The Floating World, a novel, and an academic monograph, The Demimonde in Japanese Literature: Sexuality and the Literary Karyukai. Her current projects are The Snow Queen, a literary historical novel about her family’s role in the Polish resistance; Bunny Boiler: Surviving Borderline Personality Disorder and Finding a Self to Love, a memoir and cultural critique of BPD; and Age of Blossoms, a historical novel about the Japanese population of Mayne Island, British Columbia, on the eve of WWII.

She holds a PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of California, Berkeley, and has taught literature, academic writing, and creative writing at Berkeley and the International College of Liberal Arts in Kofu, Japan. She currently teaches at Royal Roads University and the University of Victoria. She hosts and produces the podcast, A Real Affliction: BPD, Culture, and Stigma, which releases episodes twice a month.

Contact Cynthia at cynthiagrallabooks@gmail.com

Visit her on Podbean, Instagram, Substack, YouTube, and LinkedIn


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